Yeah Yeah Yeah...

I will not bore you with why I haven't posted... how I will promise to get better at posting... never works... ugh!

Oh well... but yeah... life has been hectic to say the least! Here's a list of some key points since my last posts...

Fire school

Business taking off and super busy

About 400 dryer balls


Trip to Texas

Family Drama

Getting laid off

Jake's 2nd birthday






I am sure I can go on, but my tired mind just will not let me at the moment...

Last night was my 4th night of fire school, got sweaty, put full PPE (personal protection equipment... boots, bunker pants, jacket, nomex, helmet and SCBA) on and off on and off on and off a bunch of times and got sweaty. It was fun though and my arms are soar today. I am so excited about fire school, I really feel like I am learning so much and about something I am passionate about! YEAH! I just don't think I've made up my sleep from being in Texas and the long drives... so I am going to bed... maybe I will post tomorrow... I will not promise, because I never meet my promises about posting! LOL!

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