Joys of Potty Training... part two...

Things Jake has pee'd on today...

1. the big boy potty
2. his potty chair
3. a ton of cloth diapers
4. our charger for our fire department radios... and he fried it!
5. the bathtub

And those are only the things I 'know' about. Ugh... I am starting to re-think this potty training thing right now!

1 comment

Kelly said...

Lol..Hayley's not ready at all yet either. She will tell me every time she's pee'd or poo'd in her diaper, AFTER she does it, but she doesn't tell me before hand. And the girl like a faucet. Sometimes she pees 3 times in 45 minutes, so I'm waiting until she can hold it longer. That's crazy he fried that radio