522720 minutes since your birth...

 Newborn Zane.. awwwwww <3 Laying on his Rockerbye Baby blanket

11 months, and 25 days.. 360 days.. 8640 hours.. 518400 amazing minutes old at the Chewbeads photo shoot done by Mean Baby!

Where oh where did my baby boy go? Zane will be one on Friday! It seems like just yesterday I was waddling around my home in Tennessee, wincing as I made dryer balls with my pregnancy carpal tunnel then icing my wrists. Wasn't it just yesterday that he was placed in my arms, that I introduced him to his big brothers and sister, that I got to put on his tiny newborn diapers? He has grown so much and is my spunky little blonde haired blue eyed Mama's boy that keeps all of us on our toes.

The last year has been amazing, tough, but amazing. We are still happily nursing, I am amazed at my body and the ability to nurture a baby both inside my body and out for 20 months now.

Oh I could go on and on, but let's get to the good stuff! We are having a sale at Buddha Bunz now through Sunday night.. $5 undyed balls $7 colored balls! And each order gets to choose which of our freebies you'd like.. including free dryer balls! WHOOO! 

AND we are having a giveaway! See below how you can be entered to win one of 3 sets of 2 undyed balls! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Nicole said...

My favorite memory would have to be breastfeeding. Can't wait for my new one to come along so I can share that with her too!

Anonymous said...

My favorite memory is the first time my daughter said Mama. So sweet, I cried!

Melissa said...

Babies have a way of growing up way to fast. My oldest is 2 1/2 and youngest 2 months and some days I wonder how that happened...lol

Sommer said...

My fave memory is him as a newborn!

AlexisB2007 said...

That first moment when I laid eyes on their beautiful face! <3

monteml said...

My favorite memory is when I first saw him!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite memory was right after his birth when I first help him in my arms and saw his cute chubby face!!!


Joy Lee said...

How to pick? Gazing at a sleeping baby..pride in the knowledge of being needed..putting baby in the sling and going everywhere..baby smiles & giggles..

Jennifer said...

My favorite memory is definitely watching him grow and change each day. I love seeing him learn!

Becky Funk said...

My favorite memory is just being able to snuggle and smell a newborn. I LOVED that part!

Anonymous said...

Favorite memory, sheesh that's hard. But I would say it was the night i figured out how to breastfeed while laying down. That was heaven!
vrclay30 at yahoo dot com

monicaheartsrq said...

So many wonderful memories!! I have a newborn now, in addition to my almost 3 year old, and I forgot how wonderful the little smiles and sweet sleepy looks they give when they are done nursing and all milk drunk. Aww, heart melting!

monicaheartsrq said...

So many wonderful memories!! I have a newborn now, in addition to my almost 3 year old, and I forgot how wonderful the little smiles and sweet sleepy looks they give when they are done nursing and all milk drunk. Aww, heart melting!