Spring... it's almost here!

I haven't posted in awhile... I have just been so busy with life... making orders... doing business... taking care of the kiddo's and myself.

Business is doing sooo well, I feel beyond blessed in the people and customers that have come into my life because of Buddha Bunz. We continue to grow and grow beyond my wildest expectations and I couldn't be more happy.

I have been doing well on my new 'life plan' I did get off my diet and supplements while Marina was here for a week, but I am kicking it back into gear today. I have still been going to the gym almost everyday though still and I am feeling so much better.

And yes, Marina was here for about a week and a half. It was sooo nice seeing her again. I really wish she would move up here, I really think the trip was good for her. She seems to be a little renewed, I'm telling you, living out in the country will do things like that for your soul...

Speaking of soul and living in the country, today is the first day that Spring has really hit me... March 8th... the time changed this morning... it was already 60 when I woke up... every window in the house is open... the Bradford Pear tree's are white and blooming... I heard birds and lawnmowers outside during the day and crikets at night...

This morning I stood in my kitchen window... my most favorite place in the house and closed my eyes while the cool brease washed away every negative thought I had or that would possibly come in my mind this morning... I feel beautiful inside when it is beautiful outside...

So I am sitting here with my iPod on, cleaning the house, about to make orders... ahhhhh... life is good...

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