Sister time..

Sometimes you just gotta talk to your sister for 3 hours and 9 minutes on FaceTime and talk about all the things.. all the random, weird, funny things. My sis (my only sibling) lives 1,000 miles away in Alabama and I never have much time to give between all these kiddos and businesses and life.. bless it. But tonight the stars aligned and we got 3 glorious toddler free hours! 

We made a sticker together (more on that soon), talked about family, the highs right now, the lows right now, we looked back to my very first blog posts here, some I have in the drafts, looked up celebrity crushes, talked about old boyfriends, Disney, my crazy hair and all the things. 

There’s no real point to this post, but here’s your reminder.. take some time out to give to someone you love.. even if they are 1,000 miles away or 1 mile away but you can’t see them because of covid.. some undivided.. uninterrupted time just for you and them. We can all use it right now. Fill up that tank, you may be sleepy afterwards because you had to stay up while the kiddos sleep to actually talk.. but it will be so worth it.. just try not to go to sleep with a smile on your face! 

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