Featured retailer... Cotton Babies!

We are very excited to start off our featured retailer with Cotton Babies!

Cotton Babies has an online store www.cottonbabies.com, with lots and LOTS of amazing products, from cloth diapers to clothes to laundry.. you name it they probably have it! They also have 3 retail locations.. all that have our dryer balls available for local pickup!

Cotton Babies
9916 Kennerly Road
St. Louis, MO 63128

Cotton Babies
1200 Town and Country Crossing Dr
Town and Country, MO 63017

Cotton Babies 106 Grand Blvd. Suite 104
Vancouver, WA 98661

Are you near one of these locations? I'd love to see a picture of our dryer balls! Hmm.. maybe an online scavenger hunt is in order soon?

Anyhoo, back on track.. we were so excited to see the retailer request come through back in 2009 and still very honored and blessed to have our dryer balls in their store!

So go.. check them out, get some goodies! :)

And if you can post a picture of our dryer balls at your local Cotton Babies store I will send you a dryer ball for free to the first person from each store. :)

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