I'm a horrible blogger. :(

Look, I know I am bad about this blogging thing, and everytime I have a gap in my blogging I come back on and swear that I will get better. Hey, at least I am back right? I am posting now... so get over it! LOL.

Things have been very stressful in the Rall's/Allen home in the past few months, so I am hoping to get over this hump and be back to being the blogger that I hope to be.

What has been going on you ask? Well...

I went back to work full time (BOO!). I now work for a great company called RWD, we are a training company and right now we are at Continental Corporation. It is a huge plant that makes radio's and other components for cars. Pretty neat job, and the girls I work with are great.

I also joined the fire department. Chris and I are not memebers of the Lincoln County Volunteer Fire Rescue in Blanche. I haven't been to an actual fire that I had to fight YET, but I have been to a controlled burn and that was pretty cool. LOL.

I also bought a new car this week, we don't have the Xterra anymore, but we bought an 03 Explorer... it is pretty!

I've had to find daycare for Jake, Kya went to Colorado with to see her friend... and we are moving this weekend. I will post pics and get better about posting once things slow down a little bit for us. Dare I say... I promise?

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